Diabetes is a terrible disease that effects millions of Americans and can lead to a lifetime of maintenance and prescription dependency. These drugs are specifically designed to keep diabetes alive and give them a better quality of life. However, Actos has been found to cause a much more deadly disease, bladder cancer.

Victims of Takeda Industry’s diabetes drug filed to consolidate a multidistrict litigation (MDL) class action lawsuit and all of the parties came to an agreement on Sept. 29th to allow the MDL. The next step is to find a venue for the victims to present their cases. Yet, there are victims that have not yet found legal representation or know the dangers that Actos posed to their health.

Actos Bladder Cancer Side Effect

Back in 1999, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved Actos (pioglitazone) to treat Type 2 diabetes. The potentially defective drug is used to increase the body’s insulin sensitivity. The studies show that the drug is effective in doing its job, however, there have been studies linking it to heart attacks and now the FDA admits a high risk of bladder cancer. They said on their website:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public that the Agency has approved updated drug labels for the pioglitazone-containing medicines to include safety information that the use of pioglitazone for more than one year may be associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer.

The FDA may have a hand in this whole fiasco for not doing their due diligence.

You see, Actos’s main competitor was a drug called Avandia that was shown to seriously increase a patient’s chance of heart attack to such a degree that studies suggest it caused hundreds of thousands of heart attacks and potentially hundreds—if not thousands—of deaths. After an excruciating amount of foot dragging, in July of 2010, the FDA finally ruled to regulate Avandia into obscurity. This left an open window for Takeda to swoop in.

Not only did the FDA move against Avandia, it recommended that patients switch to Actos. This increased Takeda Pharmaceuticals to $4.3 billion in Actos sales last year, nearly double the profit. As you can see above that only after a year, patients were finding that they were out of the heart-attack-pot and into the bladder-cancer-fire.

Actos Bladder Cancer Research

However, Takeda had already been conducting tests regarding an industry suspicion that Actos had the potential of causing bladder cancer. They sent the FDA data that originated from an ongoing 10-year study after five years or half way through the study. The research at that point showed that rats given the drug had a slightly higher rate of bladder tumors.

The five-year data involved 193,099 patients with diabetes. Initially the statistics looked good revealing no indication that there was significant link between Actos and bladder cancer. Yet, when the duration the patients had been taking the drug was factored in, they found that the risk increased significantly.

After only 24 months, the rate of the increased risk of bladder cancer reached statistical significance. The increase was nearly 1.4%. This doesn’t sound too significant, but think about all of the patients. In 193,099 patients, 270 that contracted bladder cancer. Now put the number of patients in the millions and imagine the number of those effected in the US alone.

Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

Since Actos has been on the market for 12 years without Takeda Industries or the FDA making any slight move to help protect patients from contracting bladder cancer, it’s no wonder that victims and their families are now coming forward seeking justice from this incredibly irresponsible behavior by both the industry and the FDA. In fact, the FDA has not even banned the use of the drug by patients who have a history of bladder cancer!

They merely recommend to healthcare professionals on their site to, “Use pioglitazone with caution in patients with a prior history of bladder cancer. The benefits of blood sugar control with pioglitazone should be weighed against the unknown risks for cancer recurrence.”

It is currently unknown how many bladder cancer deaths potentially have been caused by Actos since the major study is testing how many patients get bladder cancer rather than looking retrospectively into Actos patients. This is partly being addressed by French researchers.

The FDA has promised an update on the drug after review of data collected by the French researchers, but they have yet to act as decisively as the French have, who have banned the drug on their market of 230,000 patients.

National Actos Attorney

There is a reasonable expectation that patients will come first in the eyes of those who regulate pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately, in the case of Actos, that system may be letting them down. Takeda Industries is going to make as much profit as they possibly can. The largest pharmaceutical drug settlement in history was Merck, who had to pay out $5 billion concerning Vioxx deaths. As you can see, if Takeda pays half of that, they are merely out 6 months worth of profit and will offering a drug the FDA obviously refuses to take off of the market.

Phillips Law Firm is a full service law firm that is prepared to help the victims of Actos side effects. If you or a loved one has a heart attack or stroke while taking Actos it is important that you call Phillips Law Firm for a free consultation.


Almost every driver has done it, found themselves drifting a little behind the wheel. The eyes start getting blurry, the head starts bobbing, and you drift off for what might be only a fraction of a second. However, all it takes is less than half a second to drift into oncoming traffic potentially causing a catastrophic head-on accident or a rollover accident due to sudden overcompensation, common auto accidents linked to drowsy driving.

The AAA Foundation estimates that about one in six deadly crashes involves a drowsy driver. In an effort to reduce the number of fatigue-related crashes and to save lives, the National Sleep Foundation is declaring November 6-12, 2011 to be Drowsy Driving Prevention Week®. This annual campaign provides public education about the under-reported risks of driving while drowsy and countermeasures to improve safety on the road.

Drowsy Driving

The National Sleep Foundation’s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week calls to attention the dangers of driving while drowsy or highly fatigued. The national non-profit organization says new data shows that 96% of Americans feel it’s unacceptable for someone to drive when they are so sleepy they have trouble keeping their eyes open.

This has not stopped the fact that one-third of Americans admitted driving while fatigued or drowsy in the past 30 days. The NSF’s 2011 Sleep in America poll found that about one in ten 16-45 year old drivers report driving drowsy once or twice a week.

“People know that they shouldn’t text or drink when they drive, and that’s great,” says David Cloud, CEO of the National Sleep Foundation. “However, many don’t realize that driving while drowsy is also very dangerous. If you’re so tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open, you could fall asleep for just a few seconds and not realize it. If that happens at 65 miles an hour, you could drive the length of a football field in an unconscious state.”

Drowsy Driving Symptoms and Prevention

One of the most prevalent causes of drowsy driving is sleep depravation caused by lifestyle or sleep disorders. Everything from stress at work to a new baby can cause lifestyle sleep disorders that can equate to a serious danger when driving. There are other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy that can serious affect the safety of the operator of any vehicle.

All of these causes are easy to identify, but people still drive after being effected by these dangerous circumstances. Some people use caffeine, energy drinks, or other sources to keep them up. However, these only last a short while and the withdrawal results in even more drastic drowsiness. The trick is to identify drowsiness and act accordingly.

Symptoms of drowsiness:

  • Difficulty focusing, frequent blinking and/or heavy eyelids
  • Difficulty keeping reveries or daydreams at bay
  • Trouble keeping your head up
  • Drifting from your lane, swerving, tailgating and/or hitting rumble strips
  • Inability to clearly remember the last few miles driven
  • Missing exits or traffic signs
  • Yawning repeatedly
  • Feeling restless, irritable, or aggressive

Drowsy driving prevention is a big concern for us as well as the NSF. We have covered many issues in our article Drowsy Driving: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions, but the NSF has it’s own set of rules that recommends people keep in mind this week.

  • Get a good night’s sleep: You’ll want to be alert before you hit the road. Be sure to get adequate sleep (seven to nine hours) the night before you go.
  • Don’t Rush: Many drivers try to maximize the holiday weekend by driving at night or without stopping for breaks. It’s better to allow the time to drive alert and arrive alive.
  • Share the burden: Just as you should not swim alone, avoid driving alone for long distances. Take turns behind the wheel and help identify the warning signs of fatigue.
  • Break every 100 miles or 2 hours: Get a snack, switching drivers, going for a run, stretch, or do breathing exercises.
  • Take a nap – Rest stops during the day are generally safe places to take a 15 to 20-minute nap, if you think you might fall asleep. Give yourself a few minutes to wake up before resuming the drive.
  • Avoid alcohol and medications: Even at legal amounts, they can cause drowsiness as a side-effect.
  • Avoid driving at times when you would normally be asleep.
  • Caffeine: The equivalent of two cups of coffee can increase alertness for several hours.

Puget Sound Car Accident Lawyer

Drowsy driving has the unfortunate reputation as something that we all do and an unfortunate mistake, rather than the stigma of driving drunk even though both are equally as dangerous. What drowsy driving prevention week reminds us of is the fact that it is extremely dangerous behavior that is totally preventable.

Phillips Law Firm represents families of victims who have been injured or died in car accidents in Washington state. We are skilled attorneys in wrongful death lawsuits and personal injury lawsuitswith years of experience that they will use to assure that you get the compensation you deserve. Call today for a free consultation.


As you might imagine, male breast cancer is extremely uncommon as compared to female breast cancer, with an estimated incidence of one case per 100,000 man-years. Thus we see most of the icons used to brand the crusade against the disease pink in color and feminine in form. However, male breast cancer rates are increasing and some researchers suggest that it may be linked to hair loss medications like Propecia.

Millions of men take Finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia, in order to curb their hair loss due to age or genetics. However, men taking the drug have complained of lowered libido, impotence, and erectile dysfunction that lasts well after they have taken the drug.

How does the erectile dysfunction side effect tie to an increased risk of developing male breast cancer? It stems from the function of Finasteride and how it stops hair loss.

JNCI Study

You see, Finasteride is an androgen inhibitor, which shrinks androgen-dependent prostate tissue by inhibiting steroid 5?-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main androgen tied to male-pattern baldness. This helped tremendously in the treatment of prostate cancer as Finasteride is still used in larger doses to reduce prostate size. However, the reduction of testosterone is directly linked to the increase in estrogen production.

According to research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), researchers found conditions that result in relative estrogen excess or lack of androgen are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in both women and men. In fact, they found that there is a subset of men with Klinefelter’s syndrome (affecting 1 in 800 men) who are completely unaware they have the syndrome that have a further 50% greater chance of contracting male breast cancer above that of healthy males.

“As this patient and his physician, we strongly recommend that the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] require that information about the possible association between male breast cancer and [Finasteride] be clearly stated in the manufacturer’s patient information leaflet for prescriptions and in its advertisements,” the report said. “Patients and their physicians need to be better informed about this potential life-threatening risk. Men who take [Finasteride] need to be aware of any changes in their breasts and report these changes immediately to their physicians.”

The results of the study made a clear connection between Propecia (Finasteride) and an increased risk of breast cancer. However, this isn’t the only study that has come to this conclusion.

National Institutes of Health Study

A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) followed 3,047 men as they patients were split into four groups and given medications. One group received both finasteride and doxazosin (another drug that treats enlarged prostate). Group 2 received finasteride alone. Group 3 received only doxazosin. The final group acted as the placebo group and given a sugar pill.

Amongst the whole group, researchers found four cases of male breast cancer in the groups taking either finasteride or doxazosin. This doesn’t seem significant, but scientifically speaking, this is an incidence rate 200 times higher than that for the general population.

Just like the JNCI study, the authors of the NIH study urged the FDA to update the warning label on Propecia to include the possibility of male breast cancer. However, the FDA has still only categorized the instances as “adverse reactions” and has yet to take the step to concretely warn men of their increased risk of contracting this potentially deadly disease.

Propecia and Male Breast Cancer

Male breast cancer is just as dangerous as breast cancer in females, in fact, perhaps more . The reason why it may be worse is that men are not instructed or trained to check for it. Even those men taking Propecia who are shown to be at higher risk are generally not shown what signs that they should look for even though they are the same signs as women.

Signs of male breast cancer:

Lumps – The most common sign of breast cancer in men is a firm, nonpainful mass located just below the nipple. There may not be other associated symptoms. The average size of breast cancer in men when first discovered is about 2.5 cm in diameter.

Nipple Changes – The cancer may cause skin changes in the area of the nipple. These changes can include ulceration of the skin, puckering or dimpling, redness or scaling of the nipple, or retraction (turning inward) of the nipple. Bloody or opaque discharge from the nipple may also occur. Less than 1% of cases are bilateral (occurring on both sides).

Breast (pectoral) or bone pain – Breast cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the bones may also produce bone pain at the sites of metastases. Advanced breast cancer can also produce symptoms typical of many cancers.

National Propecia Attorneys

Propecia has shown to have many side effects that are long lasting including the Propecia Erectile Dysfunction side effect, which has been the most prevalent, but certainly not the most potentially deadly. If men are not informed of the danger of the Propecia breast cancer side effect, they may find themselves in a potentially life altering situation that far outweighs their need to curtail their hair loss.

If you or a loved one are taking Propecia or any other derivative of Finasteride it is important that you contact legal council that has experience in protecting patients from giant pharmaceutical companies. Call Phillips Law Firm for a consultation on your legal options.


Currently in the State of Washington, drinking and driving laws are becoming some of the most stringent in the country. For us and other advocates for victims of drinking and driving, we welcome it. Not everyone is on our side.

There are those who use individual freedom as their justification for lowered drunk driving standards. This extends from the .08 blood-alcohol content (BAC) standard to the obligatory breathalyzer installed into the automobile by the courts for habitual offenders. However, those who have been personally injured or had loved ones who have been killed by a drunk driver will point out the individual rights of victims.

One of these organizations is Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). This organization has been a vocal advocate of radical steps at drunk driving prevention including laws that not only cite the behavior of individuals, but also the bars that serve them. Now they have taken it one step further with the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) research program. A program that will undoubtedly stir a lively push back from the car manufacturers and those in the legal community who choose to defend drunk drivers.

Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS)

The DADDSS program began its research in 2008 as a national effort to develop publicly-acceptable technology that will prevent the illegal operation of a vehicle by a drunk driver.

The $10 million cooperative research project between the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety (ACTS), representing the nation’s leading automakers, is now entering a new phase in which it will move out of the laboratory and onto the road. Researchers expect a drivable test vehicle to be ready within two years.

Researchers say that they are attempting to develop technology that won’t hassle sober drivers, requires no maintenance, and will be precise enough that it stops a driver when their BAC is at or exceeds 0.08.

“This will be lifesaving technology,” believes Rob Strassburger, Vice President of Safety and Harmonization of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

How Does It Work?

Two companies, Autoliv Development AB of Sweden and Takata-TruTouch of Auburn Hills, Michigan, are offering different alternative. Each were awarded $2.25 million to successfully demonstrating a working technology during the proof-of-concept phase. They have the potential for ultimately meeting stringent performance criteria established for DADSS.

Distant Spectrometry– Autoliv is developing a breath-based device, which they say performs a fast, contact free, unobtrusive measurement of the driver’s breath alcohol. It utilizes concentrations of carbon dioxide as a measure of dilution of the driver’s exhaled breath. Multiple sensors placed in the vehicle cabin will allow the system to ensure that the breath sample is from the driver only and not other passengers.

Tissue Spectrometry – Takata-TruTouch is working on a touch-based approach that can measure BAC by shining an infrared light on the user’s skin. A portion of the light scatters several millimeters through the driver’s skin before returning back to the skin’s surface where it is collected by the optical touch pad. This light contains information on the skin’s unique chemical properties, which can be analyzed to determine the driver’s alcohol concentration.

The Court of Public Opinion

The public has been inundated with anti-DUI messages and now at least are aware or the problem. However, nationally, drinking and driving continues to be one of the leading causes of death and injury on America’s roads, claiming a life every 48 minutes. The NHTSA feels that the DADSS devices are a promising new tool to prevent drunk drivers and repeat offenders from getting behind the wheel.

Opinion research indicates that the public is ready for such a device. Research shows that two-thirds of those surveyed considered the use of advanced technology to keep drunk drivers off the roads to be a “good” or “very good” idea. Authorities cite the fact hat there were still nearly 11,000 such fatalities in 2009, nearly one-third of the traffic toll. They estimate that DADSS could prevent an estimated 8,000 drunk driving deaths a year.

Seattle DUI Victims Lawyers

As we recognize that this is a radical approach, if their numbers are correct this could reduce drunk driving fatalities by an amazing 72%. With those kinds of results, the inconvenience is worth the overall effect on society as a whole.

This may prove to reduce the number of roadside shrines that occupy roads across the nation commemorating those lost to drinking and driving. The shrines are also a reminder that the measures as they stand currently are reducing the number of drunk driving deaths slowly, but now that technology has caught up to the need, it is time to not only change policy and force behavior changes.

If you or a loved one are injured or killed in a DUI wreck, it is important that you find legal council as soon as possible to help you through the legal components of the tragedy. Call the DUI Victim’s Attorneys at Phillips Law Firm for a consultation on your legal rights.


There are a lot of men who like to act like the way they look doesn’t particularly matter to them, but that would be a lie. When a guy starts losing his hair it’s a real hit to his self esteem because it means that he’s getting older. It also has a tremendous effect on his prospects in getting a date. That’s why the hair growth, restoration, and loss prevention industry yields billions of dollars every year.

This has not been lost on Merck, easily one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. They’ve proven that making money is their number one priority. Number two on that list is avoiding lawsuits due to defective drugs. How do we know this? Because they are the company that brought you such hits as:

Fosamax – Osteoporosis drug that was supposed to help make bones strong, but instead caused major bones to become brittle and break.

Januvia – Diabetes drug that was supposed to help the pancreas, but instead potentially causes a deadly version of pancreatitis.

Vioxx – Historically, THE most expensive defective drug lawsuit in history after it was found to cause death.

Just like those drugs, Merck convinces patients that their product delivers more benefits than potential bad side effects. They just hope that the profit from those not severely or permanently affected by the side effects of their drug will outweigh the cost of lawsuits. This is the business plan behind Propecia as Merck preys on their hair loss just to have an erectile dysfunction side effect that could prove to permanently shatter their unsuspecting customer’s quality of life.

How does Propecia Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia, was originally a drug that was given in large doses to prevent an enlarged prostate in men. Once in was found to prevent hair loss, Merck jumped on it. They put Finasteride in small doses in pill form, patented it, and brought it to market as quickly as possible.

However, Finasteride acts as a Androgen inhibitor. Androgen, such as testosterone, is a general term for male sex hormones that produce male sexual characteristics. These hormones are important to the healthy functioning of many parts of the male body. They are also incredibly important in forming an erection in men and without them, erectile dysfunction (ED) may occur. If taken long enough, that ED may potentially become permanent.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

The stiffening of the penis can be effected by many factors. Diet, lack of exercise, excessive drinking, and loss of muscle control. Erectile dysfunction can be occasional and circumstantial, lasting a limited period of time or in some cases can be a permanent loss of erectile function. Erectile dysfunction is generally diagnosed by physicians when the person cannot achieve an erection about 70% of the time in a six month period.

Erectile dysfunction is associated with two concepts:

Impotence – This is a very badly defined concept, since the inability to stay production an erection or stay erect and the inability to reproduce are not mutually exclusive. However, it means a low or nonexistent sperm count.

Sterility – This is the inability of man to reproduce, also known as impotence, with the erectile function is not restricted in the rule.

Erectile Dysfunction – Erections, caused by the complex interaction of the blood vessels, nervous system, hormones and muscles. Certain drugs, alcohol and nicotine consumption can result in erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction increases with advancing age. According to American studies, occur in approximately half of the over 40-year-old men, at least temporarily erectile dysfunction.

Propecia Lawsuit

With so many factors stacking against men when trying to retain some semblance of their youth, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, loss of endurance, and erectile dysfunction, they don’t need any of these factors sped up or to become prematurely permanent.

The onset of erectile dysfunction can seriously effect a person’s quality of life, their relationships, and their job. Yes, if their private life is adversely affected to the point that they cannot function well in their job, this could have an effect on their overall livelihood and seriously degrade their quality of life.

National Propecia Lawyers

There are indications that Merck may not have given the proper indication of the severity of these side effects. With oversight from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is up to the company to provide information of any serious side effects. Merck may have known about the side effects, but neglected to properly inform customers or the FDA.

The serious consequences of Propecia are not worth stopping hair loss. Please consult your physician for further questions.

If you or a loved one are taking Propecia or any other derivative of Finasteride it is important that you contact legal council that has experience in protecting patients from giant pharmaceutical companies. Call Phillips Law Firm for a consultation on your legal options.


Millions of men deal with hair loss in their lifetimes, some sooner than later. It seems that this billion-dollar industry is occupied by many different types of remedies from snake oils to surgeries that implant hair into the (now) unoccupied follicles. To some men this experimentation in curtailing an ever clogging shower drain is expensive and emotionally exhausting.

That’s when they often turn to their doctor for an answer. Their doctor then turns to what they know, prescription drugs such as Propecia, for the remedy. Unfortunately, after Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and a multi-million dollar ad campaign, both patients and doctors are finding that the Propecia side effects are very real and potentially very permanent.

What is Propecia (Finasteride)?

Propecia is marketed as a drug that stops hair loss in men. Finasteride is the active ingredient in Propecia and it acts as a Androgen inhibitor. Androgen, such as testosterone, is a general term for male sex hormones that produce male sexual characteristics. These hormones are important to the healthy functioning of many parts of the male body.

Finasteride was originally approved by the FDA to treat enlarged prostate. It was administered in large doses as an aggressive treatment for this common, but dangerous ailment in males. It was also found to prevent hair loss. Thus, after a series of trials, global pharmaceutical conglomerate Merck patented it in small doses as Propecia and started hawking it on the global market.

Propecia (Finasteride) Side Effects

Erectile Dysfunction – In initial trials, Merck found less than 2% to 4% rate of sexual side effects. However, subsequent independent studies have shown much higher levels. One prospective randomized study published in the First International Journal of Andorology showed a whopping 22% increase in patients using Finasteride. Why the inequity in data? So Merck could get it approved, why else?

The Propecia erectile dysfunction side effect is perhaps the most contested by the pharmaceutical company that seems to be in a constant fight with both the FDA and customers over the plausibility of their extensive list of drugs. However it is also one of the longest lasting, because some men have found that the side effects are permanent.

Hundreds of men who started taking Propecia found that their libido lowering and their ability to get an erection waning. Slowly their sexual desire slips away. Once the patient has discovered the impact of this side effect, some have chosen to stop treatment. Some have found that their libido rebounds, others have found that their sex life has been stolen from then for life, seriously effecting their quality of life.

Cancer – There are many things that cause cancer as we know. There have been studies testing the Propecia cancer side effect connection. One study involving more than 3100 men found no connection to prostate cancer and another study further concluded that it could help. However, breast cancer in men is a different story. The studies are limited, but may show an increased chance of male breast cancer. Some men have experienced breast enlargement. Further tests are required.

Propecia side effects:

  • High-Grade Prostate Cancer
  • Enlarged Breasts
  • Allergic Reaction caused by a Drug
  • Abnormally Low Blood Pressure
  • Fluid Retention in the Legs, Feet, Arms or Hands
  • Decreased Amount of Semen Upon Ejaculation
  • Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse
  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Breast Cancer in a Male Patient
  • Depression
  • Testicular Pain
  • Problem with Ejaculation

Wational Propecia Lawyers

The lasting effects of Propecia could considerably lower the victim’s quality of life and potentially cause a life threatening cancer. Merck may not have given the proper indication of the severity of these side effects. These serious consequences are not worth stopping hair loss. Please consult your physician for further questions.

If you or a loved one are taking Propecia or any other derivative of Finasteride it is important that you contact legal council that has experience in protecting patients from giant pharmaceutical companies. Call Phillips Law Firm for a consultation on your legal options.


Many people have scoffed at the justice system for what they perceive as “frivolous” lawsuits. One of the most cited is the McDonalds Hot Coffee case where a woman sued for nearly $3 million because she spilled hot coffee on her lap after going to the drive-though at one of the franchises. This case became a poster child for corporations to propagandize against a citizen’s right to seek compensation for negligence.

The general public have been told by corporations and the media that these lawsuits effect our insurance costs and medical costs. Through this propaganda, citizens have voluntarily chosen to give away their constitutional right to seek justice because of lie perpetuated by giant corporations. In fact, here in Washington State, people voted to cap medical malpractice lawsuit awards to $250,000 through the misconception that it wil curtail rising healthcare costs. It became glaringly apparent that insurance companies had no intention of lowering costs to consumers. However, it was only through the proof that the policy was unconstitutional that it was repealed. This has since cascaded into many states that had previously passed similar measures.

The above trailer and documentary called Hot Coffee illustrates the power behind propaganda and struggle between reality and perception in the civil justice system. We encourage you to watch the trailer and see the documentary when it comes on November 1st. This will show you the process and the uphill battle it is for a normal citizen to take on a massive global corporation and the unscrupulous tactics the corporation will stoop to merely to save them from accountability for their actions and/or product.

Puget Sound Personal Injury Attorney

Phillips Law Firm is a Seattle law firm with a substantial track record of success Personal Injury Litigation. We take the time to fully assess the injured party’s case in order to assure that the victim receives the compensation they deserve. Call our Personal Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation.


Getting a ticket in Washington State only has slight differences from any other state. You’re stopped, the officer gets out of their cruiser, and the pleading begins. Avoiding a ticket at the traffic stop is nearly impossible and you need to watch out, because if you get too frustrated, you might throw that wadded-up ticket into the back seat and forget about it.

However you come about to getting your license suspended, surprisingly, there are many levels of suspension that most people have no idea exist. This can cause a ton of problems, because once police discover you are driving on a suspended license you will find yourself calling someone to pick you up where ever you are.

Levels of a Suspended, Cancelled, or Revoked License in WA State

The Washington Department of Licensing (DOL) will suspend your driver’s license if you have been cited for a driving infraction and failed to appear in court, or if you have been cited for drug- or alcohol-related offense. The most common reason for driving privileges to be suspended is not paying the ticket.

The main reasons people don’t pay and get their license suspended are:

  • Procrastination
  • Lack of Funds
  • Stubbornness
  • Forgetfulness

Third Degree Driving While License Suspended or Revoked

So your license has been suspended and you get stopped. Not only do you phone a friend, you also get a fine. If your license is suspended or revoked solely because you have not taken the steps to have it reinstated or you didn’t appear at a hearing for the traffic infraction, you could be charged with 3rd degree driving while license suspended. This is a fine and a harsh reminder that, what was going to be a simple process is now going to be a giant expensive pain in the rear.

Second Degree Driving While License Suspended or Revoked

So you still didn’t take care of it after you were stopped the first time or the traffic stop is also accompanied by some other serious vehicle infraction. Driving while license suspended 2nd degree is considered a gross misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and fines up to $5,000. In order to be charged with this offense, your license must have been originally suspended for one of the following offenses:

  • Hit and run
  • Racing
  • Theft of gasoline
  • DUI
  • Reckless driving
  • Eluding police
  • Vehicular assault/homicide
  • Negligent driving

First Degree Driving While License Suspended or Revoked

According to the DOL, if you have had 3 or more convictions for DUI, reckless driving, negligent driving, or prior driving on suspended license convictions, you may face first degree driving while license suspended or revoked.

This is considered a gross misdemeanor that comes with up to one year in jail and fines up to $5,000. There are mandatory minimum jail sentences for this first degree offense. You can find all of this at RCW 46.65.020 – Habitual Offender.

Reinstating A Suspended License In Washington State

Make sure that you have a copy of the original ticket issued to you and read the instructions written on both sides. This will give you a starting point. If you have also been issued a ticket for driving with a suspended license read that ticket fully too. The DOL will send you a letter upon request detailing your unresolved citations, including contact information for the appropriate courts so you can resolve the tickets.

You can get information in person at a Driver Services Office, by phone at (360) 902-3900, or by e-mail at drivers@dol.wa.gov. You can also send a letter to:

Department of Licensing,

c/o Driver Responsibility,

P.O. Box 9030,

Olympia, WA 98507

Temporary Restricted License

For those whose driver’s license is suspended but they need to get to and from work, the Washington DOL provides an Occupational/Restricted Driver License (ORL). The temporary ORL is provided only if specific conditions are met, and it could take a week to 10 days to process your application. There is a $100 nonrefundable application fee, so make sure you meet the criteria before you apply.

If your license was suspended due to a DUI, you may be able to apply for an ignition interlock device. This depends on the circumstances of your DUI.

Washington Auto Accident Attorney

You can always order a copy of your driving record report. This report is fairly clear in spelling out whether your driver’s license is currently valid and exactly what your driving record looks like. The report will also list the points against your license and, if appropriate, information on any accidents you have had.

Phillips Law Firm represents families of victims who have been injured or died in car accidents in Washington state. We are skilled attorneys in wrongful death lawsuits and personal injury lawsuits with years of experience that they will use to assure that you get the compensation you deserve. Call today for a free consultation.


Workers compensation has slid out of the public eye in Washington since the last election when it was the hot topic as employers and insurance companies made an aggressive move to privatize the Washington State Labor and Industries department (L&I). However, that still doesn’t mean that people have stopped being injured on the job and those injuries cost the system billions of dollars per year.

This has left the issue of the cost of on the job injuries on the table with few voices offering further solutions beyond privatization and method of getting workers back to work as quickly as possible to offset costs. But are these the best solutions?

As advocates of a safe work place, we support a more preventative method rather than spending the money to treat the personally injured worker after a possibly preventable accident has happened. We also seriously question the method of pushing workers back to work before they may be ready in order to cut costs.

Though the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set workplace standards with prevention in mind, it seems that other less controllable factors may be involved. Now research shows that depression may play a potentially significant factor in workplace injuries.

Depression and Workplace Injuries

Part of the process of L&I and pretty much any workers compensation claim that is opened, the employee’s medical and psychological evaluation is vital to determining the validity and breadth of their compensation claim. There are many factors that could prevent the injured employee from returning to work with any expediency and depression is one of them.

There are few more pertinent or complex cases than those where on-the-job injuries are likely to incur psychological trauma as well. Various study results examining leading work-related disabilities such as musculoskeletal disorders and orthopedic injuries. Recent research reveals a very high likelihood that patients will experience psychological distress in the form of depressive disorders as a result of their physical injuries.

Musculoskeletal disorders include:

  • Repetitive stress injury (RSI)
  • Repetitive stress disorder (RSD)
  • Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
  • Repetitive strain disorder (RSD)
  • Repetitive motion injury (RMI)
  • Repetitive motion disorder (RMD)
  • Repetitive Injury
  • Overuse Syndrome
  • Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)

Orthopedic injuries include:

  • Back injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Non-union of a fracture
  • Failed spinal surgery
  • Disorders of the spine
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Curvature of the spine
  • Leg, Knee and Ankle Injuries/Disorders

One study published last year in the Annals of General Psychiatry, researchers found a high incidence of depression in orthopaedic outpatients.

“Depression is common among general trauma patients and is associated with a poor outcome,” researchers wrote.

They found that depression was a result of socio-economic circumstances and the nature of bone pathology related to the worker’s disabilities.

In another study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Australian researchers pinpointed a similar tendency towards anxiety and depression in patients with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. This finding led them to conclude that the occupational rehabilitation needs of such patients may be underestimated on a frequent basis.

A Case For Full Rehabilitation

Many healthcare professionals and safe workplace advocates believe that when an individual sustains a musculoskeletal or orthopaedic injury on the job, physical rehabilitation is an essential step in helping them prepare to return to work. Moreover, if the psychological ramifications of those injuries are not taken into account during an initial medical examination, injured workers run the risk of receiving less-than-comprehensive care.

Workers may then find themselves struggling to perform at their former level even after considerable treatment and physical therapy. This has the potential of exposing the recovering worker to reinjury or further injury as a result.

As with any psychological work-related injury, depression or anxiety as a side-effect of physical trauma may be difficult to detect – and in some cases, such claims may result in accusations or perpetration of work comp fraud. Only a trained and experienced Qualified Medical Evaluator can determine the full breadth of a claimant’s alleged psychological injury.

Workers Compensation Lawyer

When a worker is hurt on the job, L&I is appointed with the task of investigating the accident to determine if there are any safety issues or violations by the company that facilitated the personal injury and subsequent workers compensation claim. The worker goes through the process of filing a claim, evaluation, and generally they receive benefits within 14 days of the industrial accident, but sometimes they may be denied. That’s when the worker needs help from an experienced legal professional.

If you or someone you know suffer a serious personal injury at work due to improper procedures or a hazardous workplace then you need a skilled attorney with experience in the procedures of workers compensation to get you the compensation you deserve. Call Phillips Law Firm for a free consultation.


Have you ever heard the term “girl car”? This refers to cars that have smaller structures, rounded features, and features that market research appeals more to women. An example of this is bigger cup holders in many minivans and the new Volkswagon Beetle went as far as putting in a dashboard vase for flowers.

These features are important to car makers because research shows that women are involved and 80% of all car purchases in the United States and 60% of all final decisions in purchasing vehicles. With this kind of influence it’s no wonder car manufacturers pander things women find important. However, the top thing that women find important on the list of needs is safety.

The issue of safety as a marketing tool is not new to the car industry, but it has only been in the last two decades that the car industry has been voluntarily attempting to out do each other with safety features, knowing that safety sells cars. Yet, research is coming out now that cars being safe for children or occupants may not include specifically women. Moreover, cars may be designed more for men despite their bigger cup holders or other female-focused features.

Women and Car Accidents

Through the years there have been numerous studies focusing on the differences between the way men and women drive and the outcome. It may come as no surprise that young men are considered some of the most dangerous things on the road because of their propensity to speed, take risks, and drink and drive. Yet, injuries amongst women remains disproportional.

Researchers have set out to seek answers to the impropriety in personal injuries. Reporting in the American Journal of Public Health have disputed the behavioral causes of women and injuries. They say another explanation could be the design of safety features. They suggest that women are more likely to sustain injuries in an auto accident because safety features are designed more with men in mind, a new study that was a joint effort between University of Virginia and Navarra University in Spain has said.

Combing through a decade of data about US motor vehicle accidents, three researchers found the odds of serious injury for female drivers wearing seat belts were 47% higher than those of men in a comparable mishap.

The study says that women face a higher risk of injuries from seat belt configurations due to the lower extremities because of their shorter stature. They also say that the positioning of head restraints fails to take into account how women’s necks are different in size and strength.

To address such sex-specific disparity, “health policies and vehicle regulations must focus on effective safety designs specifically tailor toward the female population for equity in injury reduction,” the researchers said.

Car Accident Injuries and Women

Shoulder Injuries – Women are more prone to shoulder injuries in car accidents. Side impact tests have shown that the armrest in many cars are level with the bumper of many normal sized cars on the road. This puts the impact on the elbow and lower humerus causing a lever effect that can pop the shoulder out. Truck bumpers are much higher and can cause a direct hit on the shoulder causing much more damage in women.

According to Dr. Bridget Quinn, physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, “Men are stronger up top than women. The combination of not having strong shoulder muscles, including the rotator cuff and periscapular muscles, and having loose supporting tissues can lead to instability in the shoulder.”

Knee Injuries – Women are more flexible than men and thus their ligaments are not as taught. This can lead to a condition known as “miserable malalignment,” which weakens their kneecaps and weakness in their inner quadricep and pelvic muscles. In a front end or side impact accident a serious rotation injury can occur causing serious damage to the joint and possible permanent damage. Knee injuries are extremely common in car accidents.

Stress Fractures – A head on auto accident can cause a stress fracture as people tend to tense and straighten their legs right before impact. Women have a lower bone density, thus they are more prone to fracture as the bone bends. A stress fracture resulting in a leg injury from a car accident can trigger a life long concern for re-injury in women, particularly those that lead highly active lifestyles.

Pelvic Injuries – During a car accident pelvic injuries are most related to seat belts. Seat belts will save a person’s life, so always wear one, no exceptions, but in a car accident there is also a chance for injury caused by the seat belt. In the event of a pelvic fracture this can also lead to internal bleeding. After an accident women should be monitored and aware that pelvic splintering and internal injuries are a real danger even days after.

Osteoporosis Related Injuries – Osteoporosis is a disease that causes a progressive decrease in bone density. Bones are porous and the pores get larger and larger causing the bones to be brittle and fragile. Women occupy the vast majority of the osteoporosis patients at over 80%. This is very common for women to have after menopause and can get worse as they age. In a car accident osteoporosis renders women far more prone to serious injury than their younger female counterparts and men in general.

Seattle Personal Injury Lawyer

Some may speculate that smaller individuals are naturally more prone to injury because of lower muscle mass, thus a prevalence of injury is to be expected. But design definitely an issue. This is demonstrated by the research done in how children fit in child seats and how they need adjustable configurations to compensate for their size. This is particularly true with regards to where and how the seatbelt sits on their lap.

Perhaps seatbelt configuration is first place car companies need to look for adjustments for designing a real “girl car” that not only has the amenities, but also safety suited specifically for women.

Women experiencing personal injuries from a car accident may have more to lose also due to internal injuries to reproductive organs hampering their life long dream to have children and a family. These and all other types of injuries deserve compensation. If you or someone you know gets injured in a car accident you need an experienced representative to deal with the insurance companies to assure you the best settlement. Call the Seattle car accident attorneys at Phillips Law Firm for a free consultation.
